“….stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand, whether it is caused by, or results in pleasant or unpleasant conditions.” (Hans Selye, MD)
“…a sociopsychophysiological phenomenon. It is a composite of intellectual, behavioral, metabolic, immune, and other physiological responses to a stressor (or stressors) of endogenous or exogenous origins. The stressors may involve thoughts and feelings or may be a perceived threat or some other condition such as cold. The response generally serves a protective, adaptive function. ( Lindsay, Carrieri-Kohlman, Page)
“…a reaction in your mind and body to an event in the outside world that alarms or arouses you.” (EMS Stress: An Emergency Responder’s Handbook for Living Well)
Who Has Stress?
Sources of Stress
– The Good : Get married, Have children, Buy a new home, Go on vacation, New Job, Promotion – The Bad : Break a leg, Spouse loses job, Kidlet in trouble, Lose wallet, In-laws coming
– The Ugly : Nasty car accident, Bankruptcy, Divorce, Loved one dying
Types of Stressors
Why Stress Management?
Stress Related Disorders & Chemical Dependency
Cost U.S. Employers Billions $$$$$ : lost productivity, increased health care expenses, increased absenteeism, increased accidents
The Stress Response is the Body’s 911 System
“…a sociopsychophysiological phenomenon. It is a composite of intellectual, behavioral, metabolic, immune, and other physiological responses to a stressor (or stressors) of endogenous or exogenous origins. The stressors may involve thoughts and feelings or may be a perceived threat or some other condition such as cold. The response generally serves a protective, adaptive function. ( Lindsay, Carrieri-Kohlman, Page)
“…a reaction in your mind and body to an event in the outside world that alarms or arouses you.” (EMS Stress: An Emergency Responder’s Handbook for Living Well)
Who Has Stress?
Sources of Stress
– The Good : Get married, Have children, Buy a new home, Go on vacation, New Job, Promotion – The Bad : Break a leg, Spouse loses job, Kidlet in trouble, Lose wallet, In-laws coming
– The Ugly : Nasty car accident, Bankruptcy, Divorce, Loved one dying
Types of Stressors
Why Stress Management?
Stress Related Disorders & Chemical Dependency
Cost U.S. Employers Billions $$$$$ : lost productivity, increased health care expenses, increased absenteeism, increased accidents
The Stress Response is the Body’s 911 System
Autonomic Nervous System
– Sympathetic ; Muscles tense, Brain becomes more alert,Liver increases blood glucose level, Digestion inhibited, Pupils dilate, and Increased HR, BP, RR
– Parasympathetic ; Muscles relax, Energy storage, Promotes growth, Mediates calm, Pupils constrict, Normalizes HR, BP, RR
Cumulative Stress
“Any idiot can face a crisis...Its the day to day living that wears you out.” (Anton Cherkhov)
Physiological Mismatch
How Can the Stress Response Make Us Sick?
– Chronically elevated BP : atherosclerosis and myocardial ischemia
– Constantly using stored energy : tire more easily
– Blocked insulin secretion : higher risk of diabetes
Why Stress Management?
Researchers indicate 2/3 of medical visits are for stress related illnesses
Stress response contributes to: coronary artery disease, cancer, respiratory disorders, unintentional injuries, cirrhosis, suicide
Physiologic Signs of Stress
– Immediate Changes : Increased cardiac output, Increased circulation, Increased sweating, Piloerection, Pupil dilatation, Decreased salivation, Decreased gastric motility, Hyperalertness, Increased blood sugar, Use of blood glucose, Decreased stored energy, ncreased fatty acids, Increased metabolism, Increased BP, RR
– Long Term Effects : Increased breakdown of protein, Increased blood glucose, Increased vascular constriction, Decreased inflammatory response, Decreased immune response, Increased fluid volume, Increased sodium & fluid retention in kidneys
Emotional Signs of Stress : Denial, Fear, Depression, Grief, Anger, Worry, Uncertainty, Hopelessness, Helplessness, Feeling lost, Wishing to hide, Anxiety, Panic, Inappropriate Emotions
Cognitive Signs & Symptoms : Difficulty Making Decisions, Confusion, Difficulty Naming Familiar Items, Poor Concentration, Blaming Others, Memory Problems, Replaying Events Over & Over,
Behavioral Signs of Stress : Withdrawal, Suspiciousness, Excessive Humor or Silence, Increased Smoking, Alcohol or Food, Change in Activity Level, Angry Outbursts, Crying Spells.
Negative Self-Talk
– The Worrier Voice - “What if…..?” (Make a plan then get it out of your head)
– The Critic Voice - “How stupid…..” (Recognize what is really true).
– The Victim Voice - “I’ll never be able to…..” (There is always something to do to work toward a goal)
– The Perfectionist - “I should……” (Assess your unrealistic expectations of yourself)
Anxiety : Feeling “on edge”, Vague sense of future doom, Fear losing control, Racing thoughts, Detached from self, Decreased ability to learn
Physical Symptoms of Anxiety : Increased Muscle Tension, Dizziness, Rapid Heartbeat, Shortness of Breath, Queasy Stomach, Dry Mouth, Increased Perspiration, Problems with Sleep
Coping Skills to Manage Anxiety : Relaxation Techniques, Exercise, Examine Self Talk, Develop Action Plan, Avoid Stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, sugar), Counseling, Drug Therapy.
Anger Physical Symptoms : Increased Muscle Tension & Sweating, Restlessness, Emotional Symptoms, Shattered Beliefs in a Just World, Wronged, Ready to Fight, Defensive, Increased HR, BP
“When angry, count four, when very angry, swear.” (Mark Twain)
Anger Management
– Anger Intensifying ; Yelling, Sulking, Pouting, Hitting, Other Violence, Competitive Games, Accusations, Arguing
– Cooling Off Habits ; Abdominal Breathing, Count to Ten, Non-Competitive Exercise, Distraction, Humor, Empathy for Other Person
Workaholic Behaviors. A person whose desire to work long and hard is intrinsic, and whose work habits always exceed the job description and expectation of others
Personality Traits of a Workacholic ; Detail oriented, Perfectionistic, High personal standards, Action oriented, Easily bored, Highly dedicated, Task oriented
Workaholic Behaviors
– Impaired ; No pleasure in leisure, Distressed when not working, Isolated lifestyle, Family in distress
– Contented ; Family accepts work habits, Autonomy & variety in workplace, Good match between personality & job skills, and Good health
Suggested Behaviors ; Don’t ruminate over problems, Respond to signs of fatigue, Don’t self medicate (ie. alcohol/drug abuse), Take scheduled time off, Stabilize domestic situations, Develop/maintain friendships, Engage in regular exercise, Foster sense of humor
Depression ; Mild, Moderate, and Severe (Always requires professional help).
Garbage In = Garbage Out
Cumulative, Stress, Ugly Health, Habits
<--Told you so…
Heart Disease, Hypertension, Arthritis, Headache, Stroke, Irritable Bowel, Cancer, Diabetes
Healthy Habits ; Nutrition, Attention to Symptoms, Exercise, Sleep, Recreation, Stretching, Social Support, and Humor
Sleep ; Physiology of Circadian Rhythms, Stages of Sleep, REM Sleep, Shift Work
Increase Quality of Sleep
Do ; Exercise (early in day), Avoid Caffeine, Avoid Alcohol, Don’t Self Medicate for Sleep, (some sedatives interfere with deep sleep), Relaxation Techniques Before Sleep, Warm Bath, Avoid Rich Foods Before Sleep
“A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs...jolted by every pebble in the road.” (Henry Ward Beecher, American clergyman)
Laughter ; Causes Deep Abdominal Breathing, Increases Circulation, Releases Endorphins & Enkyins, Relieves Tension, and Puts Life into Perspective
“Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion . . .I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.” (Kurt Vonnegut)
<-- Bang Head Hear
Healthy Habits ; Nutrition, Attention to Symptoms, Exercise, Sleep, Recreation, Stretching, Social Support, and Humor
Sleep ; Physiology of Circadian Rhythms, Stages of Sleep, REM Sleep, Shift Work
Increase Quality of Sleep
Do ; Exercise (early in day), Avoid Caffeine, Avoid Alcohol, Don’t Self Medicate for Sleep, (some sedatives interfere with deep sleep), Relaxation Techniques Before Sleep, Warm Bath, Avoid Rich Foods Before Sleep
“A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs...jolted by every pebble in the road.” (Henry Ward Beecher, American clergyman)
Laughter ; Causes Deep Abdominal Breathing, Increases Circulation, Releases Endorphins & Enkyins, Relieves Tension, and Puts Life into Perspective
“Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion . . .I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.” (Kurt Vonnegut)
<-- Bang Head Hear
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